About me
My name is Fredrick Brennan. This site is for my personal projects. I'm mostly known for having created 8chan in 2013, sorry about that. I haven't owned it since 2015, and despite my best attempts, its current ownership doesn't want to close it. I'm as mystified as you are.
I'm a type designer, though I'm best at the engineering portion of type design rather than the art side. If you'd like to commission me, or wish to contact me with another opportunity, feel free to email. I don't do vérité footage at home for documentaries anymore. Not because I don't like how any particular one came out, actually I think most of them came out fine. I'm just not living in a situation I'd want in a documentary. If you wish to interview me, I have a rider.
Email: copypasteⒶkittens⊙ph
Twitter: @fr_brennan
Wikipedia: User:Psiĥedelisto